Animals and Pets Friendly Retreat

Animals and pets are quite welcome at Melaleuca Seaside Retreat. So there’s no need to find a pet-sitter if you're planning on visiting us. Our enchanted forest and beaches are horse and dog-friendly and welcome you to bring your loyal friends along, provided they are kept under control and well away from other guests and their cottages. Dogs Pets are not allowed inside the cottages. However up to two dogs can be kept on the gated deck outside the cottage. Dogs staying on the deck should be kept off the deck furniture and out of the spa. Moreover Guests have to accept responsibility for any damage caused by their pets. Although the council require dogs to be on a leash when on the beach between 8am and 7pm, the beach is 10km long and usually quite deserted so leashes are not normally necessary. Here are few guidelines:-
- Let us know when making your booking so we can plan for your accommodation.
- Your dog must not be aggressive. Only well behaved dogs please.
- Please make an effort to keep your dog from barking so not to disrupt other guests. The retreat is all about calmness and serenity.
- Must be a housetrained dog and clean.
- Please do not let it climb into the spa. “It’s very yucky.”
- Make sure your pooch is flea-free. Otherwise, future guests will be itching to leave.
- Please bring your dog’s bed or blanket along. Your dog will feel more at home and won’t be tempted to jump on the deck's furniture.
- Must use designated areas and you must clean pet waste immediately and dispose of in designated receptacles.
- Please ensure your dog is de-sexed and its vaccinations up-to-date.

Horses Facilities are available for horses including paddocks, yards, stables, stalls, wash bay and round yard. Guests who own horses are very welcome to bring them to the retreat. Several paddocks are available to accommodate them with one small paddock near Banksia Cottage for those guests who want to be closer to their horse/s. As no pet food is available on the retreat, all provisions must be brought with you to the retreat. The long white sandy beach is perfect for horse riding. A short 3km ride to the north is the access to Manning Point village or another kilometre takes you to the mouth of the Manning River opposite Harrington where you have a choice of riding another kilometre or so along the edge of the river back to the village or returning along the ocean beach. A short drive from the retreat are several forests and National Parks where forest trails can be enjoyed.
Please Note: No responsibility whatsoever is accepted by Melaleuca Seaside Retreat for the well being, safety or security of any animal brought onto the retreat.